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Ι was born in Athens, and has French - British ancestry, and had been living in The Netherlands.

Thomais is a certified Holistic Medicine Practitioner, member of IPHM, she has Studies in Holistic Therapy, based on Herbal Medicine, Music & Art Therapy, Psychology, Diet & Nutritional Therapy, Skincare & Repair, First Aid. Ι continue my researches in health, beauty and wellbeing, and I write articles about health & wellbeing.


  I'm an active musician since my early years (piano-guitar-bass-keyboards-percussion player), singer, songwriter, composer, music & vocal teacher & I have my own Band and Discography.


  I'm a freelance Photographer - Dancer (classic, European, Latin), Jewellery -Crafts Designer, and I hold many years of experience in the food & beverage industry, as bartender, manager and owner.


 I'm the founder and manager of "Art in Rock". This project was established in 2009, and has the form of a festival, including exhibitions, presentations, live music shows, video-music-photography-publications production, and monthly events took place in several locations, with the participations of many recognized and new artists, such as musicians, writers, painters, photographers, sculptors, ceramists, jewellers, designers, poets, and more.



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Thomais de Fois.

 All rights reserved ©2020

Powered by "Art In Rock" Productions

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